The ASB FAQ page is your go-to resource for all questions related to club processes at Los Altos High School. Whether you're curious about the necessary forms, need guidance on accessing club funds from previous years, or have queries about rechartering your club annually, we’ve got you covered. We’ve compiled answers to common questions to help you navigate the ins and outs of club management. You’ll also find links to ASB-published resources for additional support. Check back often as we continue to update this page with helpful information!

  • Meeting minutes are to keep track of discussions held during club meetings. Clubs may add minutes forms to their designated Google Drive Folder sent after charter approval. For expense/activities/fundraising requests, meeting minutes must be printed and physically signed before they’re turned in.

  • On the ASB website - lahsasb.com or emailed in club charter approval.

  • Yes! Clubs are only chartered for one school year, and each school year, they must submit a new charter application during club charter windows.

    Club chartering forms can be found under Club Forms & Documents

  • Your club will need to update your proposed budget and turn in to the Finance Office with your fundraising form / expenditure pre-approval form.

  • Yes and no.

    Starting in the 2024-25 school year (SY24): Clubs with more than 20% of their income for the school year they are chartered, will have 80% of the end of year balance roll over to the ASB General fund to be used the following year for various student activities.


    1. SY24 Chartered Club with the following account breakdown:

      • $3000 carryover from previous year SY23 (this will only happen for this year)

      • $1000 fundraised in SY24

      • $1500 in expenses for SY24

      • End of year balance of $2500 (over 20% of SY24 income)

      • End of year: $2000 rolled into the ASB General Fund and club can keep $500 to roll over the following year, if they recharter.

  • Per FCMAT guidelines that govern ASB rules and regulations:

    Donations to outside organizations, non-profit organizations and students or families in need generally are not allowable because they are considered a gift of public funds, no matter how worthy the cause. ASB funds are legally considered public funds because they are raised through the district's tax identification number under a non-taxable status. In general, fundraising that occurs on campus should be for the benefit of the ASB and not for other organizations.


    A student group may organize a fundraiser to support a charity as long as the event is clearly identified as raising funds to donate to that cause. AND All donations should be in the form of either: direct donation via a website for the charity, checks made payable to directly to charity.  

    This type of fundraising activity should also be approved by the School District Board prior to any fundraising activities taking place.  

  • If the new club charter has the EXACT same name as the previous year charter, yes!

    If you plan to change the name of the club, you MUST note the EXACT previous name and state "the club name is changing from ____ to ____" in Section A of the Club Constitution that is submitted with the club charter application.

  • Yes! We want as many students as possible to learn about as many clubs as possible and not be restricted to one lunch period. Feedback from students in the past is that they only got to see/learn about a few clubs during one lunch period. So this year we have two!

    This is a new experiment for ASB in responding to some feedback in previous years. We are trying out having all clubs table for club rush two days to allow more students to learn about more clubs!

  • In order to charter a club, one must complete the Club Constitution Template, a Club Budget Worksheet, and the Club Advisor Contract. The constitution must be submitted through the ASB Club Charter Request Form. The budget and advisor contract can be turned in digitally as pictures of the printed forms with physical signatures, or physically at the finance office.

  • We understand that the nature of some clubs like Mock Trial or an olympiad/competition type club benefits from expert coaching to prepare for the competition(s).

    The club coach(es) will need to complete the MVLA volunteer application process - ideally before they officially begin working with the club.